At Blockhouse Bay Optometrists our mantra is to consistently offer expert, friendly service - everything we do from top to bottom is with this in mind.
We have an experienced staff with years of experience, a great range of frames and offer the complete solution, tailored to your vision and lifestyle requirements.
Learn more about our great team below!
Where the Passion Begins

He qualified Bachelor of Optometry at Auckland University and has been practising optometry for over 30 years (He is now seeing kids of kids he originally saw!!).
He is passionate about continued education, constantly updating his optometry knowledge and skills as well as finding the best solution for every client, whether it be leading-edge progressive lenses or referring to an ophthalmologist colleague for an eye condition.
Out of practice, he loves to spend time with his family; playing tennis and golf (in that order!) when he can. These days, he keeps his hair short so the greys don’t show up so much.